Learn more about what CFI does.
Op-Ed: Breaking the cycle of trauma with restorative justice
Check out this article written by our Executive Director, breaking down how restorative justice can disrupt cycles of trauma. In the piece, they explore the power of community, accountability, and healing, illustrating how restorative justice practices can transform both individuals and systems. It’s a powerful call for creating safer, more compassionate spaces through meaningful connections.

NVC with Dr. B!
Dr. Bigbie meets with Dr. Jeremiah Murphy, President of Connection First. In January 2024, CFI was awarded a contract with the City of Tallahassee to develop a restorative justice program for Leon County. In this episode, Dr. Murphy discusses how he used NVC to help steer conversations with many governmental entities over the course of several years to see the vision of restorative justice come to fruition. The episode can be helpful for individuals having challenging conversations in the midst of social change initiatives.

WFSU's Perspectives host Chief Michael Butler, State Attorney Jack Campbell, and President of CFI Jeremiah Murphy
Before we were Connection First, Inc., we were the Friends of Community Connections. At that time, we partnered with United Church in Tallahassee and Good Samaritan United Methodist Church to invite Chief Michael Butler to Tallahassee and asked him to discuss how his community of Longmont, Colorado used restorative justice to build, repair, and maintain relationships. Using restorative justice, the Longmont Community Justice Partnership reduced their recidivism rate from 70% to 3%! They also decreased their crime rate by more than half.
WFSU’s 411 teen interviews Dr. Cindy Bigbie and Community Connections graduates
411 teen is a WFSU program that discusses issues that are front and center for teens in Tallahassee. Dr. Liz Holifield interviewed Dr. Cindy Bigbie and graduates of Community Connections.
This interview lasts an hour, but it’s well worth the listen. Listen to the teens describe their practice of Nonviolent Communication. You will be blown away by their skill in empathetic listening, compassion, and communication.